About Me

Hello visitor,

My name is Bruno, and this is my portfolio website, where I showcase some of the stuff that I do.

Here’s a sequence of sentences starting by “I”:

I have a Masters degree in computer science and engineering and live in Portugal.

I’m an engineer at heart, curious about almost everything. I like creating, understanding and tinkering on stuff in general. I’m also hard-working, self-motivated and easy-going.

I’ve found that a computer is a great tool to express all of those traits. Programming is my job and also one of my hobbies, my preference being anything related to videogames and computer graphics, perfectly merging the artistic and technical sides. I’m passionate about using technology to create beautiful images and experiences that inspire people.

I also like music (creating and listening) and playing my keyboards. I read books, play games, watch movies, TV shows and all that common stuff.

Uncommonly, I have pet ant colonies which (mostly) thrive under my care. I also fancy sports like football, cycling and calisthenics.

Sometimes I can be found on websites like ShaderToy, HackerRank or CodinGame.

Thanks for visiting, hope you found something useful, inspiring or at least interesting.