2016 - 2019C++11 real-time rendering engine with an object-oriented architecture.
This project exists as a learning experience about the implementation and design decisions of a 3D rendering engine. It’s also a project to keep my C++ skills on check.
While it tries to expose a friendly programming interface it is not meant to have a GUI or an editor (at least for now).
It includes a demo scene where an AI plays a 3D stylized version of Pong.
Code available on GitHubDetails
- Forward rendering based on Blinn-Phong lighting, supporting directional and point lights.
- Supports meshes (loaded with Assimp library), XML material definition defining textures and shaders.
- Support render targets and various render passes. (WIP)
- Interface-based renderer to allow multiple Graphics API to be implemented. Currently has a OpenGL 4.5 implementation.
- Renderer based on a render-queue approach, iterating through all RenderTargets and through each of their Viewports to gather the Renderables. (Culling and queue sorting to be implemented)
- SceneManager containing the various scene representations, each with its own purpose (object hierarchy, culling, fast iteration).
- SceneGraph based on a hierarchy of SceneNodes. SceneNodes have a 3D space transformation relative to their parent.
- SceneObjects can be attached to SceneNodes and inherit their properties. (Example SceneObjects: Lights, MeshEntities, Cameras)
- XML based ResourceManager for assets like meshes, image textures, shader code.
- Hot reloading of file Resources (images, shaders, materials).