OpenGL Terrain Demo
2015Terrain with GPU based tesselation, frustum culling, multitexturing, fog and shadow mapping.
Windows executable available here.
- Developed with C++, OpenGL and GLSL 4.5.
- Base framework abstracting and simplifying the use of OpenGL objects: buffers, textures, VAOs, FBOs and shaders. Abstracts mesh and texture loading. Also helps with the management of scene objects and their respective meshes and materials.
- The terrain is defined through a height map and a normal map.
- Terrain has adaptative hardware tessellation (trying to generate triangles with the same screen-space area). Based on nVidia’s Paper DirectX 11 Terrain Tesselation.
- Multitexturing based on two criteria: altitude and slope.
- GPU frustum culling is applied to the terrain on a patch level, on the tesselation control shader.
- Single pass wireframe is implemented using nVidia’s technique described on Solid Wireframe.
- A basic shadow mapping algorithm is used to cast shadows on the terrain. Some percentage closer filtering (PCF) is applied to soften the aliased edges.
- Fog is generated on the fragment shader as a function of distance to camera and altitude.